Best Christmas Gift for New Parents

Becoming a new parent is a surreal experience. All the firsts are committed to memory, especially the baby’s first holiday. Getting the best Christmas gift for new parents is one way to make the season even more memorable. New parents are eternally happy and perpetually exhausted. I would know, I have a 20-month-old. If you […]
Scenes of the Filipino Christmas

The holidays is just around the corner and it would be interesting to see scenes of the Filipino Christmas. It feels to festive and exciting! Have you wrapped those presents yet? Christmas is all about giving: giving presents to ones we love and giving back to the community. Giving does not have to mean wrapping […]
The Longest Christmas in the World

Filipinos are proud to claim that they have the longest Christmas in the world. At the start of the months ending in ‘ber’, mothers start rummaging through boxes for all things Christmas. Trees, twinkling lights, angel figurines and baubles begin to adorn homes. Carols begin to play on the radio and pipe-in music in shopping […]
Christmas in the Philippines

The Philippines is not called the “Land of Fiestas” for nothing. With a celebration for each day of the year, this tropical paradise of 7,107 islands truly deserves its title. Of all these festivals, Christmas or ‘Pasko’ is the most awaited. Pasko comes from the Spanish “Pascua de Navidad” which refers to Christmas. Filipinos consider […]